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Pay it Forward Pueblo

Henrietta's Here


We are Looking to Boost the economy of Pueblo, and we need small businesses to help us out. So if you're a small business then we want to hear from you!!!! We will come to your store once you invite us, and we will love to hear how you, or our company is paying it forward to our small town.

Henrietta's is paying it forward to pueblo by, only buying fresh farm ingredients from local farms in our area, and in return also provide our vendors with ad spots on our menu's, and uniform, and other media types.

So if you too are willing to pay it forward to pueblo Please feel free to contact us and we would love to hear from you! So please remember to pay it forward to a local small business if you can, They are the reason the USA is here so please Leave a message on our board and our marketing team will answer your request. so thanks and look forward to hearing your story.

Henrietta's Marketing Director.

Henrietta's Retro Diner of Pueblo

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